Valley of Portland 17th & 24th Degree Work

17° “Knight of the East and West” Video
The degree dramatizes a picture of human failure, and social and moral behavior.
The Book of Life is sealed.

24° “Brother of the Forest” Live
A Native American petitions for membership in a colonial Symbolic Lodge.

Candidate Registration:  1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Degree Work:  2 p.m.
Dinner:  4:30 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE:  Both events are “Men Only.”


Event Location 

Portland Masonic Temple
415 Congress Street
Portland, Maine
(Please use Chestnut Street Entrance) 

You must RSVP by March 18.
To register or for further information, please contact Valley of Portland Secretary Brad Blake at (207) 772-7711 or There is no charge for the dinners.


Apr 16 2022


1:00 pm - 6:00 pm