The Ineffable Degrees ( 4° – 14° )
The first portion of the Scottish Rite system of degrees is called The Lodge of Perfection. This series of degrees includes the 4th° through to the 14th° and are referred to as the ineffable degrees. Ineffable comes from the Latin ineffibilis which means something that should not be spoken.

4th Degree – Builder
Yates Lodge of Perfection
Officers 2021-2022
Jody J. Hersey – Thrice Potent Master
Shaun M. West – Deputy Master
David J. Koncz – Senior Warden
Eric C. Dexter – Junior Warden
Timothy E. Libby – Orator
Thomas S. Hill, Jr. – Master of Ceremonies
Thomas G. Atwell – Captain of the Guard
The first portion of the Scottish Rite system of degrees is called The Lodge of Perfection.
This series of degrees includes the 4th° through to the 14th° and are referred to as the ineffable degrees. Ineffable comes from the Latin ineffibilis which means something
that should not be spoken.
4th Degree – Builder
A Master Mason seeks divine guidance. Philosophy: Brothers grow together in Scottish Rite. Core Values: Reverence for God, Integrity, & Service
5th Degree – Perfect Master
Two sons of Aaron, corrupted by greed and ambition, allow the sacred flame to extinguish. Philosophy: Trustworthiness is more valuable than life and is the basis for Masonic honor. Core Values: Reverence for God, Justice & Integrity.
6th Degree - Master of the Brazen Serpent
When the children of Israel encounter a rough and dangerous journey through the desert, they rebel against Moses and God. Philosophy: The answer to the spiritual problems of mankind is faith in ourselves and in God. Core Values: Reverence for God.
7th Degree - Provost and Judge
A dispute among the workmen where honesty and justice prevail. Philosophy: We should render justice to all mankind. Core Values: Justice & Integrity.
8th Degree - Intendent of the Building
Based on the Old Testament story of King David and his assignment to his son, the future King Solomon. Philosophy: The degree reminds us that each honor we receive requires attention to a particular duty. Core Values: Service, Integrity, & Reverence for God.
9th Degree - Master of the Temple
The Temple of King Solomon is dedicated by priests of many religions. Philosophy: We should not be too zealous in executing justice. Core Values: Reverence for God & Service.
10th Degree - Master Elect
King Solomon learns of his sentence from which there is no appeal. Philosophy: The violator of his obligations to God will not go unpunished. Core Values: Reverence for God & Justice.
11th Degree - Sublime Master Elected
King Solomon's tax collector violates the public trust. Philosophy: When confronted by corrupt, tyrannical, or illegal behavior on the part of a person in authority, the nation should remain loyal and courageous. Core Values: Integrity.
12th Degree - Master of Mercy
Joseph forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery. Philosophy: We are taught forgiveness, compassion, and brotherly love. Core Values: Justice & Integrity.
13th Degree - Master of the Ninth Arch
The degree dramatizes the dangers encountered as men search for the lost word. Philosophy: We are reminded that difficulties and dangers should not deter us from pursuing moral perfection. Core Values: Reverence for God.
14th Degree - Grand Elect Mason
The essence of Symbolic Masonry is compiled in lessons of the Lodge of Perfection. Philosophy: Members are encouraged to worship God at the altar of their choice. Core Values: Reverence for God.