Scottish Rite & Shriners one day Class

Maine Scottish Rite and Kora Shriners will have a one-day Join the Scottish Rite & Shrine event at Kora Shrine Center, 11 Sabattus St., Lewiston, ME 04240.

Check-in is at 8 am with a 9 am Scottish Rite start time. There will be a lunch followed by more degrees. Shriners will start at 4 pm with a dinner to follow.

Degrees for the day.

4th Builder

7th Provost & Judge

15th Knight of the East

22nd Princes of Libanus

32nd Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

Contact Michael Chambers Valley Secretary for more info.

Please let the Valley of Portland know if you plan on attending so that the proper food arrangements may be made.

Michael Chambers



Valley of Portland/ Maine Consistory

415 Congress St.

Portland, ME 04101



Oct 19 2024


8:00 am - 9:00 pm