The Valley of Portland will be showing the videos of the 17° “Knight of the East and West” along with the 24° “Brother of the Forest” on April 16, 2022 at the Portland Masonic Temple, 415 Congress Street in Portland. (Please use the Chestnut Street Entrance.)
Candidate Registration will begin at 1:00 PM and the Degree Presentations will begin at 2:00 PM
Dinner will be served at 4:30 PM by Deering Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. (Reservations required)
If you have ever considered taking an active part in your Scottish Rite Valley, now is the time.
It takes manpower and teamwork to put on our Degrees in the Scottish Rite Auditorium.
We had hoped to put on the 24th Degree with a LIVE Cast, but that did not come to fruition for the need of Cast Members.
Our “Master of Robes” will be retiring after our Consistory Degree in May. He is responsible for getting out and putting away our Degree Costumes, along with making sure that they are cleaned when needed, keeping inventory by Degree and letting us know when new ones need to be ordered. Now would be the time to work with him in learning the job, if you would be interested. More than one performing this service to the Valley would be GREAT.
We are always in need of more Stage Assistants to get the Drops down and the Props out for the Degrees. The more Assistance we have the faster the changeover time is between Degrees and the less time those witnessing the Degrees have to wait.
How about helping with Make-up? You must have noticed that our Cast Members are made up with wigs and beards and they need assistance in getting them on.
All of these positions need to be filled for our Valley to be successful and grow. Many of our members are trying to get their Passports filled and are asking for us to put on some of the Degrees that they have not been able to witness. In performing these tasks, you can imagine the Fellowship and Comradery that is experienced. So as you can see, not all Degree work in the Scottish Rite is ritual.
Finally, at this time we also have an opening in the Line of Officers in Yates Lodge of Perfection. If you think you might be interested in taking an Officer in the Scottish Rite, please contact the Valley Secretary.